
2nd Best Fest / Thursday / 8pm / Coalition Theater

The Coalition Theater's 2nd Best Comedy Fest kicks off Thursday with a lineup of shows spotlighting RVA comedy acts. 

Playing in the 8pm block at the Coalition Theater is ECHOES, Running Amok, and Murder Beach. 

ECHOES (Raleigh, NC)

Take a trip with the Echoes in the Dream Machine. They push their creative edge, taking inspiration from the JTS Brown -- a highly theatrical improv form based on dream logic laced with amazing visceral scene transformations. You'll be on a trippy journey down the rabbit hole with the Echoes in Wonderland. It’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced. You still don't know what they do? Take a dream, parts of a Hemingway novel, organic morphings and notable characters. Sprinkle in some ECHOES echoes echoes and you've got yourself a weirdly wonderful performance. If that doesn't make sense, then you'll just have to experience this audio-visual Juvenalia for yourself. Carolyn Cole, Barbara Grubb, Von GIll, Kim Andrews, and Jen Van Vickle. 


Hailing from Virginia Commonwealth University, Running AMOK performs an epic La Rhonde - exploring characters and the world to which they live in! They perform monthly at VCU and all throughout the community of Richmond. 


Ladies and gentlemen...SOMEONE HAS DIED. It's time to celebrate the life of the dearly departed. And who better to guide you through this grave affair than the one, the only MURDER BEACH? If you think their humor is tomb much, well...you'd be dead-on! Murder Beach puts the FUN in funeral. They'll make you laugh til you cry...OR DIE TRYING. Dan Felarca, Josh Wright, Pete Cloutier, Ebbie Shover, Felipe Nascimento, and David Pratt.


This show is presented as part of the 5th Annual 2nd Best Comedy Fest, produced by the Coalition Theater. Between June 6-8th, 2nd Best brings a lineup of 100+ comedians from all over the country presenting improv, sketch, stand-up, & alternative comedy and podcasts to downtown RVA. 

The Coalition is a nonprofit theater in Richmond's Arts District with the mission of making comedy shows & training accessible to all. Proceeds from 2nd Best Comedy Fest benefit the Coalition's mission. 

*Seats are held for All-Access Pass purchasers until 10 minutes before showtime. After that, we reserve the right to release seats to standby patrons, and seating is not guaranteed. If you may be running late or would like to ensure seats are reserved for specific shows, email us at producer@2ndbestfest.com and we will be happy to accomodate you!


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Coalition Theater is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. In addition to classes and shows, a great deal of our funding comes from generous folks like you.
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